Sunday, April 25, 2010

Portland Sunday

Up with the Larks at 5am full of anticipation as I was met with some drizzly rain.
First stop the west cliffs. Parked at the top of the hill opposite Fathom and Blues. As I got out of the car I could hear 3 separate Grasshopper Warblers singing, this surely was the fall I had been hoping for. Alas it was not to be as these ended up being only birds of note for some time until I eventually got to Culverwell. Met John Lucas who pointed me out a Wood Warbler. Straight out with the camera however the light was terrible and the shutter speed very low producing a real record shot. After this photo the bird stayed for a few more seconds before moving off north.

Shaun was ringing in Culverwell where one of the best birds was this female Pied Fly

Later had another quick look around Waycroft quarries where this Redstart was feeding