Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Garden birds

A bit quiet at the moment here due to all the building work, but are still getting a few visitors

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cannock Chase

5 Days surveying at Cannock Chase gave a few opportunities for photographs. Quite a nice place really considering its unpromising location, being virtually surrounded by large built up areas

Heard some noises that sounded like they were coming from a small passerine. Finally tracked down the culprit, a juvenile Cuckoo. Presumably the call which did seem quite pipit like, is all part of the cunning package

There were actually two birds in the same area flying around and giving the same calls, even in flight

One of the foster birds responding to the calls

Adult and juv House Martins. Juv bird on the right is a more of an off white than white, particularly around the chin. Also the tail is nice and new compared to the abraded adult's

Another juvenile with dirty white underparts

Scruffy Redstart

During the trip also came across a juv Dartford Warbler which surely must be a candidate for the most northerly. Have to look that one up.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stilt Sand Lodmoor

Finally the thing moved feeding areas so headed on down to try and get some pics.
Still a little way away but cant complain

Later in the evening headed over to Swanage with Steve Smith for the Red Arrows