Monday, January 31, 2011

Last Hinkley visit

Another bitterly cold few days brightened by the find of 14 Pink-footed Geese.

Managed to creep up a bit on them to get that identifiable photo. Although many of the birds didnt actually look that frosty above it was the tail pattern that gave them away. Particularly visible on the bird second from the left

One of only a handful of Little Egrets that have stuck around this winter

The same bird flying by later. The dark markings on the wings could be some kind of second generation Reef Heron or they could be mud picked up whilst skulking around the ditches!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Some confiding Brents feeding on the shoreline at Queenborough

1st year

Redshank were feeding in field alongside road to Shell Ness

All birds on my photographic list just need to be identifiable!

Pale-bellied Brent with a few Brents

Now heres an odd one. It is clearly a Brent type hybrid but with what? It has a striking neck collar but the wrong way round!

It was very difficult to get a good photo but the bird was clearly smaller than the Brents

In flight it was smaller and more compact

As to its origins if it were born wild in Siberia there are not that many options. Red-breasted Goose has a lot of black and is slightly smaller and compact. It also has the same white vent area which has been maintained on this bird.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Seasalter, Whitstable + Oare Marshes

Confiding Rook feeding by layby at Seasalter

Hundreds of Knot on the rising tide all pushed off except this bird who decided to stay and hang around with the Turnstone. A few sum plum feathers coming through looking more like a some sort of stain

Some of the 25 Waxwings at Whitstable Tesco. Its no wonder they have been here so long there is miles and miles of cotoneaster hedges here which they kept dropping down onto.

Tick 41, Shoveler at Oare Marshes in the fading light

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hoo St Werburgh, Isle of Grain

Found a Black Brant here in December and there were 2 today.
This was the nearest one, didnt get a shot of the other.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Stayed at a Farmhouse B+B on this visit. Was greeted with calls from Little Owl, this one was right outside the window. There was just enough light to get something

Later it was joined by its mate

On the last day of the visit news came through of a Snow Goose that had arrived with around 55 Barnacles at Curry Moor. As soon as I saw it I wasnt convinced. For starters it had an all dark bill. It also had quite a sharp demarcation where the breast joined the belly in exactly the same place as Barnacle. It surely had to be a hybrid presumably Snow x Barnacle. Later heard that the Dorset bird had gone missing with around 50 Barnacle Geese that day. Well at least Barnacle was a yeartick

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bewick's Arne Moors

Timed my days gap inbetween Kent and Somerset well.
These Bewick's were found the night before on Bestwall and then relocated to Arne Moors, just down the road.
8 birds in all

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A bit of quality

Shorelark at Reculver. This was one of 3 birds that have been wintering here. Was just about to get some cracking shots of Snow Bunting when a dog came in and scattered them. Unfortunately no time to chase about. Settle for this though

A quick detour to south east Kent on the way home.
Stopped at Dymchurch where these amazing looking Northern Long-tailed Tits were feeding

Dash to Dunge to try for Glauc and Glossy Ibis. Had to screech to a halt as this close Marsh Harrier went by

I here you say that I have already got Coot on the list, but look closer

Here is a better shot

A dip! The one I thought would be the easiest had buggered off for an hour
This is where the Glauc has been without fail for the past couple of weeks

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How far away?

Did the Medway area today and was idly scanning during a very quiet period near Halstow Creek when chanced across a distant Brent flock. And what do you know there is a Brant in with them. This bird was amazingly obvious at this distance (later measured on map to be 1.7km away!) So the shot is very poor but you can see what it is.

I have now come to the point where I have to decide who to follow regarding which species I am going to count. I believe that most people listing nowadays have to use Lee Evans if they want to be comparable with him and others. I think I will go with Mark at the moment and go with Dutch taxonomy which is way ahead of us, so here we have tick 30

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

All quiet at Bedlam

Not much to photograph today so have to settle for this distant scope shot of Green Woodpecker with Fieldfare to get to 29

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oare and Harty Marshes

Surveying for all the daylight hours which isnt very many in these dull conditions, so have to settle for whatever is at hand. These Greylags were at Oare

Brent flypast

White-fronts popped up very near to one of my VPs near Harty Ferry

This one was a real surprise and a great addition to the yearlist (No 21) think this is going to be hard work!

Flight shot helps confirm that there are no signs of hybridisation

These monster geese waddled in later. The bird to the right is a Greylag!

Common Gull in a puddle at Leysdown-on-sea

Polish ringed Black-headed Gull

Few more additions to make 27